Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, September 24, 2011

10 Random Things

A fellow Ravelry member started a thread back when the Remnants forum still existed. It was an attempt to get to know eachother better by listing 10 random things about ourselves. It actually was pretty fun learning little quirks about fellow knitters and crocheters. Since I don't have much to write these days, I thought I'd steal this idea and list 10 random things about me.

1. I am the youngest of 6 siblings, 2 brothers and 3 sisters..then there's me.
2. I can watch repeats of Seinfeld and Everybody Loves Raymond over and over...and still think they're funny.
3. I'm 43 years old, and still afraid of the dark. After Dave leaves at 4am, I turn on the light.
4. I have a niece who's a year older than I am.
5. I have patches of freckles on my shoulders, leftover from a severe sunburn when I was younger.
6. I've learned to like my freckles after years of hating them.
7. Althought I like all colors, my favorite is purple.
8. I'm sick to death of politics. It seems every aspect of our lives has been taken over by some sort of politics.
9. I always seem to have too many craft projects going at once. I lose interest too easily, and want to start something new.
10. And lastly...I have more yarn stashed than I can possibly knit up in my lifetime.


  1. very interesting..I would have mentioned some of those if asked about you..others are a bit of a surprise. I really liked this post..all us sisters should make a similiar page????

  2. That is a good idea. I liked reading this.

  3. I would love it if ya'll made a post like this.

  4. Glenda, I'm curious. Which items on my list did you not know? I was afraid this post might be a little boring for my family, because I figured ya'll already knew these things. I'm glad ya'll enjoyed it.

  5. I did not know your favorite sit-coms..or about your shoulder freckles..or that you had trouble finishing projects, this really surprised me.

  6. The trouble finishing projects is the most annoying. I have such plans, but they never materialize, because I want to start something else. If I'm using more than one color, sometimes I just wanted to see what those colors would look like together, once I've seen, I lost interest in the project. sometimes I can't make myself do that second sock or that second mitten.

  7. I love it. My time at home is so limited I am afraid it will be a while before I list 10 things about me...unless you will accept.. I am tired, I am worn out. I am tired. I am worn out, I am tired. I am worn out. I am tired. I am worn out. I am still tired and worn out. I love my family and my God
