Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Quick Hello

This has been one of those weeks. I'm sorry to have to admit that I've been out of sorts, and not myself. Since I didn't want to inflict that on my readers, my blog has remained silent. Dave and I are getting ready head over to the Love Civic Center, where Dave will MC our 9/11 memorial to honor our heros. Please keep him in your prayers, along with the families of those who lost their lives that horrible day 10 years ago. And please pray for America, my country, and home that I love.


  1. Amen. we will pray. so sorry you've been under the weather.
    Keep us in you thought and prayers
    Wesley is some better and I think even a little stronger. I am getting by

  2. sorry, wish i had the words to ease your mind. i will pray.
