Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, September 5, 2011

Dave's Been Baking...

Last months visit to Costo, we found bags of dried apricots on sale. Dave was reminded of his Mom's apricot turnovers. We picked up a bag so he could try to duplicate her recipe. Saturday, he got those apricots out and rehydrated them on top of the stove. He added sugar, butter, then folded them into crusts he'd made earlier. They smelled so good baking, that we couldn't wait for them to cool. We split one, and ate it while they were still warm. Excellant!


  1. I love homemade fried pies. Mom's were delicious. We could eat them faster than she could fry them. I love apricots. Good job.

  2. They're so good. I forgot to mention the glaze he made to drizzle over them, but they were pretty good plain. He baked these pies instead of frying them, so I didn't know what to call them. Non-fried, fried pies? lol

  3. Looks positively delicious. As Glenda said Mom's were wonderful. I like apricots, too.

    Pray all is well with your kitties.
    God bless.

  4. i can eat them faster than they can come out... If you had had a sister group at you house on this might have not got a good seriously we would've shared
    See you tomorrow at Prayer meeting... come when you get ready... prayer starts at 6
