Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Feeling Let Down...

...but feeling guilty for feeling let down. After tonight's prayer meeting, Dave took me to the crafts exhibit at the fair. From the moment I opened my eyes and got out of bed, I've been excited about tonight. I just couldn't wait get to the fair to see how my stuff did. I got there to discover that two of my items got blue ribbons, and several got red. I also got a couple of white ribbons, but I think they give those just for entering. I'm very proud of my ribbons, So why the let down feeling, you might ask. Because of how my items were displayed. I had spent two days, carefully arranging my shawls and vest on hangers as artfully as I could. I had pinned them, unpinned them, draped them, undraped them, all for the purpose of displaying them to thier fullest advantage.
I got to the fair tonight to discover that they'd removed them from thier hangers and threw them onto wooden racks, which would have been fine if they'd bothered to straighted them. My red lacey wrap that I was so proud of looks kinda ho-hum, and my pink shawl just looks hideous. I started taking pictures for my blog, only to discover that my red mittens, lacey socks, and my blue ribbon winning cabled scarf are laying on a shelf. I could barely see them in the picures I was taking. I hate myself for complaining like this, because I know it sounds like I'm being a sore loser, but I'm not meaning to be. I'm proud of all my ribbons. I'm just not happy that my stuff is being displayed in a way that it looks shoddy. I wish I could take my pink shawl down, because I'm embarrased to have my name on it. Oh well. I guess that's just how it goes sometimes.


  1. Maybe they were being picked up to be admired. I know your knitting is beautiful. Did you ask why it had been rearranged?

  2. The displays are partitioned off, not allowing public access. I've calmed down since I wrote this piece, and now I'm pretty ashamed of my attitude. The whole thing stems from one piece, believe it or not. A lacy wrap, with a dropped-stitch wave pattern is the source of my dispair. I payed such careful attention to detail, evev in the blocking stage. You can't even see the stitch pattern the way they've thrown it up there.

  3. Maybe writing about it helped you resolve the problem and be ok about it?

  4. It definately helped. Thanks for commenting. I feel like a terrible brat for letting something this small and unimportant get to me.

  5. I still see beauty in the pieces
