Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's That Time Again

Red River Valley Fair week begins Monday, and all items for the crafts exhibit have to be checked in Saturday. Last year, I had so much fun participating, and I had an entire list of projects in my head for knitting and crochet. Unfortunately, those plans never materialized. I lost my knitting mojo when the summer heat sapped my energy. The good news is I did manage to finish several small projects I'd started during the Spring. I'm also going to take with me a couple of items I finished last winter, but had only worn once. I'm not going to cheat, because I'll be sure ask if I it's ok enter them.
So, this week, I've been freshening everything up, steaming any wrinkles that may be the result of being packed away since Spring. My house is now decorated with knitted items hanging to air dry. Sadly, I have no crocheted offerings this year. Maybe next time..