Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


We finally got a break from all the rain, so I decided to do some yard work. The rose bed needed to be weeded again, and lots of repotting needed to be done. We ate lunch, ran a few errands, then Dave laid down for his nap (waking a 4am is hard on him).  After washing up the cat food dishes, I went to work. I had planned to start with the potting, but that came to a screeching halt. I had forgotten to ask Dave to drill the drain holes into my new pots. I looked through the shed, and was unable to locate the drill, so I went to work on the weeding. By the time I finished, Dave was up. He drilled the holes, while I potted our new patio tomato plant. He then showed me where to find the drill should this happen again.
It actually was a blessing that I couldn't find the drill, because the potting turned out to be a huge job. I used up two giant, Costco-sized bags of potting soil! I may have skipped the weeding if I hadn't tackled it first. Years of exposure to the elements causes pots to become fragile and break. Two of these broken pots, which happened to contain roses, needed to be replaced. Repotting large plants is hard work, but very rewarding. Yes, I have a back ache, and yes, my body is sore, but I have four freshly potted rosebushes and a patio tomato to enjoy! It's totally worth it :-)  I'll have pictures to share if the rain will stay away.

1 comment:

  1. good job. I was so happy with my dr reports, I haven't thought of much else. I am praying for my family, my sisters and my brothers. I love them very much
