Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

More Home Improvements!

I'm so excited!  Thursday, we are getting new carpet.  We were going to wait until next year because of the window expense (and that was a big one), but we've thought it over, discussed it fully, and have decided to go ahead and do it!  
Sunday was rough for me.  I wanted to get a jump start on the job of packing away breakables, books, and CD's.  It sounds easy in print, but it wasn't.  I was very sleep deprived (see two posts down), and I couldn't focus.  I became overwhelmed, because my mind kept lumping all the tasks together into one huge job, instead of seeing it as one task at a time (actually, this happens to me a lot).  I seriously considered taking a nap, and starting my work on Monday with a fresh mind.  That was not to be.  Sleep was impossible, when all I could do was think of all the work ahead.  I finally got up, and plunged in.  It was haphazard, with me running around in a confused frenzy, but I did manage to get several boxes packed.  Sadly, it wasn't until Dave took them out to the shed that I began to relax.  Poor Dave, wanted to rest, and I didn't let him, but we were both glad it was done.  We finished up our packing Monday, and now we're ready for the carpet people to come.  Wish I didn't have to wait until Thursday....