Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, April 15, 2013

Stash Busting: The Latest Knits

I am so proud of these two scarves!  Both are knit using two balls (each) of Rowan Big Wool, which had been in my stash for ages.  Several years ago, The Woolie Ewe had decided to quit carrying some Rowan yarns, and had marked much of their inventory way down for quick sale.  I bought the last two balls they had in stock of these two colors.  This is the classic example of an impulse buy.  I had no pattern in mind, and no plans for their use, I just simply wanted them.
 This is not the first time I've done this, hence my two closets worth of stash, but I am happy to finally be using some of it.  I owe it all to the scarf-knitting frenzy I seem to be on.  I'm almost obsessed with them, and I have that obsession to thank every time space is freed up in my closet.
 Now to discuss the pattern.  It is called Big Lace Scarf and it's from the book More Last-Minute Knitted Gifts, by Joelle Hoverson.  I am so in love with this book, and so in love with this pattern.  These are the third and forth scarves I've made from it and I keep going back to it for my bulky yarns.  The lace pattern is so simple, I memorized it after a couple of repeats.  If you have 120 to 150 yards of super bulky weight wool yarn, I highly recommend this pattern.  It isn't a free pattern, but the book is beautiful, and well worth owning.
So there you have my latest finished knits.  I'm so happy that it's finally warm enough to photograph them outside!