Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I started a new scarf today.  I know I have tons of WIP's but I just couldn't help myself.  I was in Hobby Lobby, looking through their I Love This Wool section, and just fell in love this color.  It's called Biscuit, and it's from the Naturals line.  Each skein is 220 yards of sturdy, surprisingly soft 100% wool yarn.  Using my 40% coupon brought the already reasonable price down to around $3.50, give or take.  I had bought this yarn with Debbie Bliss' Cables & Lace pattern in mind, but changed my mind.  Inishowen (another Debbie Bliss pattern) was a much better fit for this rustic yarn.  
I worked on my new scarf while Dave and I watched a couple of Tivo'd shows.  Like I always do after I've finished a few pattern repeats, I laid my work on the floor to take a picture for my Ravelry page...
Obviously, I'm going to have to find a new surface for taking pictures of neutral colored projects, but this picture shows the speckled colors of my carpet beautifully!  I'll get a better picture of the scarf after I've completed it.  This is great pattern!

1 comment:

  1. it really does show off your new carpet, doesn't it. The carpet and the scarf are beautiful. I look forward to our visit today before prayer meeting
