Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, April 14, 2013


I enjoy being a night person, but it can be very hard when Sunday morning arrives. Especially when I sleep half the day away the Saturday before.  I tried, and I tried to sleep last night.  I read until my eyes would no longer stay open, but the simple act of putting my book down woke me up.  This happened over and over, until a little after 6am, when I finally decided to just get up.  I've drank a diet coke and showered.  Now I sit at my computer, writing to my readers probably the most boring, inane post since I started my blog.  I know if I go back to bed, and actually manage to get to sleep, the chances of my getting back up in time to go to church are slim and I don't want to miss church.  I've been struggling lately, and church is my steady ground.
So I'm going shut this computer down, blow dry  my hair, and maybe knit until Dave gets up.  Hopefully, I'll be able to take a nap later.  Most of the time I can't go to sleep in the middle of the day, but occasionally I can. I pray today will be one of those occasions.
I hope everyone has a very blessed day!


  1. Glad you came to Sunday School. I enjoyed your song. It is one of favorites. Hope you got your nap. I am getting really good at napping in my old age. LOL.
    God bless.

  2. I always enjoy Sunday School but it seems like every Sunday is a struggle. Pray with me about this.
