Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Yesterday's Accomplishments

These are the pictures I promised to share.  Rain is expected off and on for the rest of the week, so I took these pictures today, while I had the chance. Please excuse the ugly, weed-filled yard in the background.  Dave and I are getting new grass seed this year, so all our potted plants had to be temporarily moved to the patio.  That's why they're all crowded together.
My white rosebush got a new pot this year!

My Joseph's coat rosebush (front) didn't get a new pot, but I did transfer it to one that wasn't broken.  My pink climbing rosebush's (back) pot wasn't broken, so I just top filled it with fresh soil.

This is the heirloom rosebush Dave got me for Valentine's day.  I finally planted it!

This Angel Face rosebush is my newest plant, so it got the other new pot! Unfortunately, the color is a little off in this picture.  The flowers are actually more purple than pink, and they smell heavenly!

And last, but not least, my new patio tomato bush.  
All this, along with the freshly weeded rose bed, equaled a busy day.  I'm very sore, but at the same time, very happy!

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