Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Carpet Day!

I've been looking forward to this day all week!  The men from Carpet One arrived at almost 9am, and I was up and ready for them.  My excitement hit a little snag as they began to rip out the old carpet to reveal hard wood floors in relatively good shape.  I must admit I had a moment of second thoughts.  Hardwood floors, when properly taken care of, are absolutely beautiful, and knowing I was about to cover them made me a little sad.  As I saw the new carpet put in place, my excitement returned!  It truly is beautiful carpet, and wood floors can be quite a hassle.  Below are several pictures I took in different stages of the job.
I know, thanks to the many knitting pictures on my blog, you've all seen my old carpet, but I just for the sake of before/after, I've included this picture.

What I didn't show ya'll in those knitting pictures, is why I wanted the new carpet.  Bald spots aren't very attractive no matter how many scarves are laying next to them.

The cause of my discomfort.  Hardwood floors, in fairly good condition, are a rare find.  I knew I didn't want to deal with the hassle of  weekly buffing and waxing, but still I died a little inside when the carpet pad when down.

After they laid the bright red, eyeball searing carpet pad, they went to cut the carpet.  Abby decided to come out of hiding and investigate.  She and Annie loved the way their toys glided across the smooth surface.

Here is a shot of the new living room.  We haven't put my pretties back on the tables yet, because they're not finished, but I still wanted to post a shot of the new carpet!

One more shot of the living room at a different angle.  They'll come back tomorrow to do the TV room, and the master bedroom, and then we'll have the weekend to put everything back in place.


  1. beautiful. Maybe I can get by to see it.

    We will probably play some games tomorrow night. come if you want to

  2. Tomorrow night, Dave and I are supposed to be at a birthday party for the station owner. Actually more of a dinner than a party.

  3. And I'd LOVE it if you'd come by :-)
