Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, September 30, 2011

Craft Exhibit Pictures

The photos I took tonight turned out much better. The ladies working the table gave me some nice compliments on my entries. We were talking about the voting for best in show, and how confusing most people were finding it this year. Last year, all the items were grouped into catagories, but she told me they wanted everything displayed together this year. I felt so bad for my earlier attitude, because apparantly they didn't like the display anymore that I did. I wasn't going to vote, since I had participated, but they wanted me to. I promise I didn't vote for myself in the knitting and crochet catagory. If I had, I'd have voted for my red lacy wrap, picured last. I can hardly wait til next year. I'm not going to let the time sneak up on me, the way I did this year. I hope to have at least one afghan by then.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Back To The Fair

Friday is Dave's turn to represent the radio station at the fair. We'll be out there starting at 5pm, which is plenty of time to make myself sick on fried food. I plan to go back to the craft exhibit building and take pictures. The ones I took Tuesday with my phone are much to dark. I'll be taking the camera this time, so be prepared for craft picures in the next couple of days...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Ladies & gentlemen! It is my honor to introduce to you, the East Texas Broadcasting Redneck Golf team!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Feeling Let Down...

...but feeling guilty for feeling let down. After tonight's prayer meeting, Dave took me to the crafts exhibit at the fair. From the moment I opened my eyes and got out of bed, I've been excited about tonight. I just couldn't wait get to the fair to see how my stuff did. I got there to discover that two of my items got blue ribbons, and several got red. I also got a couple of white ribbons, but I think they give those just for entering. I'm very proud of my ribbons, So why the let down feeling, you might ask. Because of how my items were displayed. I had spent two days, carefully arranging my shawls and vest on hangers as artfully as I could. I had pinned them, unpinned them, draped them, undraped them, all for the purpose of displaying them to thier fullest advantage.
I got to the fair tonight to discover that they'd removed them from thier hangers and threw them onto wooden racks, which would have been fine if they'd bothered to straighted them. My red lacey wrap that I was so proud of looks kinda ho-hum, and my pink shawl just looks hideous. I started taking pictures for my blog, only to discover that my red mittens, lacey socks, and my blue ribbon winning cabled scarf are laying on a shelf. I could barely see them in the picures I was taking. I hate myself for complaining like this, because I know it sounds like I'm being a sore loser, but I'm not meaning to be. I'm proud of all my ribbons. I'm just not happy that my stuff is being displayed in a way that it looks shoddy. I wish I could take my pink shawl down, because I'm embarrased to have my name on it. Oh well. I guess that's just how it goes sometimes.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mystery Blossom

I think it was in 2006, but I'm not sure. I bought two sage shrubs, one Texas Sage and one Silver Dollar Sage. I potted them, because at the time I didn't know where I wanted to plant them. I've been moving these pots from location to location almost since I bought them, but it looks like I finally found a happy place for them. I know that because in all the years I've had them, this is the first time I've seen a bloom. The mystery part comes from the fact that I lost the lables long ago, and they look so much alike that I don't know which one blossomed.
So, folks, this is either a picture of a Texas sage flower or a Silver Dollar Sage flower. Whichever one it is, it sure is pretty. :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

10 Random Things

A fellow Ravelry member started a thread back when the Remnants forum still existed. It was an attempt to get to know eachother better by listing 10 random things about ourselves. It actually was pretty fun learning little quirks about fellow knitters and crocheters. Since I don't have much to write these days, I thought I'd steal this idea and list 10 random things about me.

1. I am the youngest of 6 siblings, 2 brothers and 3 sisters..then there's me.
2. I can watch repeats of Seinfeld and Everybody Loves Raymond over and over...and still think they're funny.
3. I'm 43 years old, and still afraid of the dark. After Dave leaves at 4am, I turn on the light.
4. I have a niece who's a year older than I am.
5. I have patches of freckles on my shoulders, leftover from a severe sunburn when I was younger.
6. I've learned to like my freckles after years of hating them.
7. Althought I like all colors, my favorite is purple.
8. I'm sick to death of politics. It seems every aspect of our lives has been taken over by some sort of politics.
9. I always seem to have too many craft projects going at once. I lose interest too easily, and want to start something new.
10. And lastly...I have more yarn stashed than I can possibly knit up in my lifetime.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's That Time Again

Red River Valley Fair week begins Monday, and all items for the crafts exhibit have to be checked in Saturday. Last year, I had so much fun participating, and I had an entire list of projects in my head for knitting and crochet. Unfortunately, those plans never materialized. I lost my knitting mojo when the summer heat sapped my energy. The good news is I did manage to finish several small projects I'd started during the Spring. I'm also going to take with me a couple of items I finished last winter, but had only worn once. I'm not going to cheat, because I'll be sure ask if I it's ok enter them.
So, this week, I've been freshening everything up, steaming any wrinkles that may be the result of being packed away since Spring. My house is now decorated with knitted items hanging to air dry. Sadly, I have no crocheted offerings this year. Maybe next time..

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Hey, Folks. I'm now the proud owner of a laptop. Sunday was our monthly Costco stock-up trip. While there, we took advantage of an awsome deal on an Acer laptop for Dave. After he charged it, and entered all his information into it, he reset his old laptop for me. This is my first post using my new device. Now I can sit out on the back porch while I look at knitting patterns, books, and other of my favorite things. This is going to be so much fun.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Golfing Dave

Dave and a team of other DJ's from East Texas Broadcasting are playing in the Redneck Golf tournament. This tournament was created to raise money for Habitat For Humanity. I don't get to go with him tomorrow, but I did get to accompany him to the driving range to get in some practice shots. I hope he has a blast tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Garlic Chives

Just wanted to share some pictures. My garlic chives have finally bloomed. I don't know why it takes so long for them. My onion chives are one of the first plants to bloom during the Spring. These flowers are not filled with hummingbirds, as most peoples' are, but I have seen several bees and small butterflies, and for some reason, flies. Yes, just plain ole house flies. I hope that's not a bad sign...

Monday, September 12, 2011


Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid- John 14:27

But I am afraid, Father. Please strengthen my faith.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


These photos are from todays 9/11 rememberance ceremony. They were taken with my phone, so they're a little dark. May we never forget that day. May we always remember the cost of our freedom, and not take it granted.

A Quick Hello

This has been one of those weeks. I'm sorry to have to admit that I've been out of sorts, and not myself. Since I didn't want to inflict that on my readers, my blog has remained silent. Dave and I are getting ready head over to the Love Civic Center, where Dave will MC our 9/11 memorial to honor our heros. Please keep him in your prayers, along with the families of those who lost their lives that horrible day 10 years ago. And please pray for America, my country, and home that I love.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Planting Plans

Dave's three day weekend provided time for us to do some much needed yard work. The hot dry summer had taken a toll on our pecan tree, resulting in a yard full of crispy brown leaves. Being in a bit of a slump lately, I couldn't muster up the energy it took to rake them. enough of a pain to have to rake leaves in the Fall, I found it unfair to have to do it in the summer time as well (Ok, end of immature whine). Dave and I really work well together when we set our minds to a task. I moved the potted plants and raked the leaves out from behind them, and into the middle of the yard, where Dave ran the mower over them. He edged and blew off the walkway, while I went for my afternoon walk, then I watered when I got home. During this yard work process, we discovered that many of our pots have become brittle with time and exposure to the elements, especially the ones containing our roses. Of course our first thought is to replace them next Spring, but after mentally calculating the expense of not only the pots, but the many bags of soil I'd have to buy, I've come up with another plan. I'm going to dig out that area, and plant them into the ground. Dave is planning to take one of his vacations in October, so we can do this together. I'm pretty excited. After such a long, hot summer, it's going to be so nice to get out and dig in the dirt again.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Dave's Been Baking...

Last months visit to Costo, we found bags of dried apricots on sale. Dave was reminded of his Mom's apricot turnovers. We picked up a bag so he could try to duplicate her recipe. Saturday, he got those apricots out and rehydrated them on top of the stove. He added sugar, butter, then folded them into crusts he'd made earlier. They smelled so good baking, that we couldn't wait for them to cool. We split one, and ate it while they were still warm. Excellant!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Free Range Rabbits?

Yes, you read it right. When Dave and I started walking last year, we discovered this rabbit on the next street over. At first I thought it was a garden ornament. Surely there isn't a real live rabbit roaming around the neighborhood. Then, one day, my garden ornament moved. Wow! It is actually a real rabbit. Since that first sighting, I've discovered there are two other rabbits, a solid white one, and a chocolate brown one. The woman who lives across the street from this house told about them. She likes to sit on the porch with her grandchildren and watch them. Apparantly, they're more active in the morning. I've seen all three bunnies off and on, but the one pictured below is the one seen most often. I worried about them running around in a cat populated area, but I've been told the cats ignore them, probably because they're so big. In fact, they're every bit as big as some of my smaller cats. I finally managed to get a non-blurry shot of the black and white. Hope you enjoy..