Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, May 27, 2011


For several days, I've been unable to comment or answer comments, because Blogger has refused to keep me signed in. I can sign in, but when I hit "post comment" it takes me back to the sign in page. Very frustrating. I have been assuming this also means I can't publish a blog post, but I really don't know, because I haven't tried. This is just a test to see if I can at least continue blogging, even if I can't comment.


  1. Nice to see you posting again. Hope they get this thing fixed!

  2. Here's another test to see if I can use my phone to comment

  3. Ok, so apparantly something is up with my computer

  4. I hope everything is fixed now. I think it was probably blogspot with the problems. I have been able to post and comment but it took forever for each screen to pass and then there was a bunch of clicking!

    I see you are enjoying your phone. I am so glad you was able to get it.

    God bless.

  5. I hope you are having a good day. The boys are asleep so I was just checking out the blogs. I am not going to the reunion so I am going to keep the boys all day as usual.
    God bless!

  6. Strange... lots of people have been having trouble with their blogs, either on blogger or on Wordpress. Glad to see you're back!

  7. Thanks. I missed blogging, even though I haven't had much going on. It is nice to know I can. Dave is going to check the cookies on my computer, whatever that means.
