Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, May 6, 2011

Knitting Lessons

For those of you who might be interested, I just posted a knitting lesson to my Youtube channel. Just click here.


  1. I watched your lesson before Jaxon came this morning. I like that. Norma said you have one about an afghan. I need to find it and watch. Wow are you brave!

  2. By the way I am GLAD you did not abandon your blog. I really enjoy reading it. Even when I don't sign in and comment I read them. I check several times each night that I get on the computer to see if there are any new posts or comments. I check all of our blogs. Don't stop!!!
    Peace be to your home. In Jesus name I pray!!

  3. I'm not going to stop, but it my posts may not be as often. I just know people don't want to hear me whine about the cats all the time. Actually, they're doing quite well. It's not perfect, but far better than I expected.
