Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, May 2, 2011

Gentle Rains

Today is another rainy day, but it's different this time. Dave and I just had a terrific lunch of penne pasta with lots of veggies and a meat sauce. I just got out of the shower to see him peacefully napping in his chair. With severe weather, he would have to be at the station, covering the storms, but with a nice gentle rain, he can just relax. All the cats have found suitable sleeping spots, and it seems I'm the only one awake, so I decided to check in with my readers, and say that at this moment, I feel truely blessed. I know life isn't perfect. We'll all have our battle to fight, and our challanges to face, but right now, all is well.

Thank you, Jesus, for moments like this. Moments to rest and reflect. Moments to regain strength for whatever awaits us. Please help us to remember these moments during the hard times, and know that peace will come again. Amen.


  1. Jennifer this is a very good post. Sometimes the dark times are hiding the gentle moments. Lord, help us to see clearly.
    We are all planning to come from prayer mtg and pray in your home

  2. Thanks, Norma. It's truly how I feel today. I've been trying to concentrate my prayers on David. I called Kathy for an update around 4. She said the procedure went well, but he's in a lot of pain.

  3. Good post!! Amen to that prayer!

    Thanks for posting about David!

  4. I also enjoyed the nice rain. It was a gift from God.

  5. Hello.
    I pray all is well with you.

  6. Hi again. Waiting for Jaxon to come.
    Still praying you have a good day full of happiness and peace.
    I love you.

  7. I am saying this to each of you (sisters): even though you may not see me comment, I am thoroughly enjoying each and every post. In fact, I look forward to them. I love you ~ Beck.

  8. Thanks, Becky. That means a lot. More than once, I had toyed with the idea of abandoning my blog. I've been having so many doubts and insecurities lately, that I can't seem to think of anything else. It seems unfair to impose those feelings onto my readers, so I haven't been posting as often.

    Well, I've chosen not to abandon the blog, but I don't seem to be posting as often. Hopefully that will change as Max settles in more. He's actually doing quite well so far, it's me that's nervous. I just don't want to lose him again, so I need for this to work.
