Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sock Knitting Again

Back in April, I got in the mood to cast on a pair of socks. I had just one problem. Choosing. I have accumulated a shocking amount of patterns and yarn just for socks, and I was having the hardest time making a decision. I was on the verge of becoming overwhelmed, when I remembered something that made the decision for me. Dave always takes me to Woolie Ewe's year-end sale as my big Christmas gift. During last year's visit, I purchased thier Gentle Currents Sock Kit. The kit contains the Gentle Currents pattern, designed by Debbie O'Neill exclusively for The Woolie Ewe, and enough Lorna's Laces Shephard sock yarn to make one pair of socks. Perfect! And with the 50% off from the sale, that's even more perfect! I cast on toward the end of April. Unfortunately, I don't remember the exact date, because I had to frog my cuff and start over. The pattern calls for US size 0 sock needles, but since I have shapely (yes, lets go with that description) calves, I never use smaller than a US size 2. For some reason, I decided to go with a size 2.5, and since I don't swatch (I know...bad girl), I ended up with a huge cuff. After I frogged that monstrocity, I started over with a size 2. This time, I think I got it right. I've finished both cuff and leg portions, and the heel of one. The pattern is easy to follow, and I'm very happy with the color of the yarn. Hopefully, I'll have finished by October, so I can enter them in the fair.

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