Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, May 9, 2011


During the fall, I used to go for daily walks (well, almost daily) in the afternoon. Part of that routine, included stopping by the Sonic for a Happy Hour diet coke, before walking the rest of the way home. When I got that Novermber phone call, telling me Max had been found, I changed my walking time. My new routine, was to go visit Max after lunch, grab my sonic happy hour drink on the way home, then walk in the late afternoons around 5 or so. That way, I could get showered before any TV shows Dave and I might want to watch. With the return of Max to my home, I decided to go back to my original routine. I don't know why, but I always enjoyed walking to the sonic. It seemed to motivate me to walk, because I had something to look forward to. Unfortunately, it looks like I can't go back to the old routine until fall. By the time I reached the Sonic today, I was dizzy and overheated. I called Dave to let him know I was going to sit at the sonic, and sip my drink until the dizzy spell passed. Dave, being the wonderful husband he is, came right over to pick me up. After rehydrating, and a cool shower, I'm feeling much better. A slight headache is the only reminder of my ordeal.


  1. I called Dave to check about things yesterday and he told me you had gotten overheated. Please be careful. That sun is really hot and it is only spring. I am glad Dave picked you up. Good husband that he is!

  2. I am thankful Dave picked you up. God bless him. Be careful sometimes the heat can be deceptive.

  3. Bitsi, my hair stood up when I read your post!! Be careful. I appreciate Dave for making sure you got back home in the cool. Yes, you need to rethink taking your walk in the heat of the day.

  4. Not to worry. I will not be walking that time of day until Sept or Oct. In fact, I'm a little scared to walk at all until then. I had planned to rejoin the gym during the summer months, but we can afford that, even if I wanted to. I'll look for my old aerobic tapes from long ago.

  5. I think I have some vhs exercise videos. are you interested?

  6. I found Zita's Fit For A King. Now, If I could just figure out Dave's fancy TV/Video equipment, and learn how to use his hundred,thousand remote controls...
