Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

I started to skip blogging for today, because I miss my mother so much. I'm going through a transitional period with the cats, and I wish so much that I had her wisdom. Now, I know what some of you may be thinking. Cats? Are you serious? Most people would scoff, but my mother wouldn't have. My mother loved cats, and I truely believe I inherited that love from her. She would have known exactly what to say, and just knowing she was praying would be enough to calm my nerves, for you see, she also understood anxiety. I never saw her treat someone's worries as if they were trivial. No matter how little, no matter how silly, or even if you brought them on yourself, she cared. I even believe it's possible that she still takes all our needs before our Heavenly Father. Only now, she can do it in person. Am I wishful thinking? I don't think so.

So Happy Mother's Day to all the moms who read my blog. I hope your day is filled with many blessings.


  1. I like your picture. You, Mom and Freckles.
    I hope you had a good day, too.
    You are right about Mother. She always was ready to pray with you no matter the conflict.
    Hope Max did well on his first outside visit.
    Praying peace for your home.!!

  2. I think I missed Mom more this year than ever. i hope and pray I was always respectful to Mom. because I sincerely did respect her. Hope your day was pleasant.

  3. I enjoyed your post. I love that photo. Yes, mom loved cats and was empathatic to peoples anxiety. I hope Max enjoyed his time outside and I prayed it would not unsettle you.
    Hope your day was blessed. FYI GLenda, I didn't get a Happy Mother's Day call from James, but I guess the younger generation don't realize how much it would have meant!

  4. Norma, instead of going outside and staying, he came in and out for several short visits. I guess he wanted to take it slowly. I have to admit I was nervous the whole time. In fact, the call I made to you is the same call I'd have made to mom if she were still with us. It looks like you inherited me. :)
