Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Miracles And Blessings

I just wanted to take a moment to reflect. The cats are coexisting so much better than I had thought they would. Max is happy to go outside for short visits, and not venture far from home. None of the outdoor cats seem to mind his presence, and he always spends the nighttime hours indoors, without a single complaint. Annie is nervous around him, but she hasn't hidden herself away like she did last year. He has chased her a time or two, but it's mostly playful, bratty chasing, instead of aggression...and it doesn't happen everytime he sees her, like it did last year. No, it's not perfect, but I'm so happy to have all my cats with me again, and I feel if I can hold on through this transitional period, things will be ok. I just have to control my fears. Please, pray I can do this, because I don't intend to give up Max, or any of my cats, again.

This weekend has just been so great. Our monthy singing service was Saturday, and everything was so perfect. There was such a spirit of friendship present, and all the songs were just so anointed. This feeling was carried over into our Sunday morning service. I feel so blessed to be part of this church. We may be small, but we're pretty powerful.


  1. Amen. I enjoyed both services, also. I am glad things are working in your home. Just keep trusting and believing good things

  2. I would love to be with you guys at a singing.

  3. Glenda, you're more than welcome to come any time. It's the third Saturday of every month.

  4. I enjoyed both services as well. Jordan was good at Sunday school so that was nice.

    I am so glad the cats are doing good!!!!!!

    I will comment that your socks are looking good on this post! You do make such nice socks.

    God bless!
