Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, May 29, 2011

It's Purple Now!

I've been loving my new phone so much. When I first got it, I was so careful with it, that it almost wasn't much fun to have it. I had read, over and over, how easy it is to scratch the sensitive touch screens on the smart phones, and I just knew I was going to ruin it. Before we even left Radio Shack, I bought a protective shield, and had the cashier apply it for me. At first I was disappointed, because he had left a few bubbles in it. After a few hours of smoothing, I managed to remedy that situation, and was pleased that my screen was now safe. The next step was to protect the back of the phone. I wanted a purple soft cover, but all I could find in this town was white. I knew I could get online, and order one in purple, but I was so afraid to put my phone in my purse or pocket without a cover, so I got the white one. It didn't cost that much, and I had the peace of knowing that my phone was completely protected. Now I had all the time I needed to find the perfect, purple soft case.
I found that perfect purple soft case at My Cute Mobile. It arrived just a few days later, and I just love it! The case itself is an opaque purple color, with a clear circles pattern. When covering my black phone, the color turns a deeper purple, with a black circle pattern. It's hard to explain, so I've added photos of the cover alone, and one the phone. Now I have my perfect phone!

Friday, May 27, 2011


For several days, I've been unable to comment or answer comments, because Blogger has refused to keep me signed in. I can sign in, but when I hit "post comment" it takes me back to the sign in page. Very frustrating. I have been assuming this also means I can't publish a blog post, but I really don't know, because I haven't tried. This is just a test to see if I can at least continue blogging, even if I can't comment.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Smile :)

Hoping to brighten someone's day. :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Miracles And Blessings

I just wanted to take a moment to reflect. The cats are coexisting so much better than I had thought they would. Max is happy to go outside for short visits, and not venture far from home. None of the outdoor cats seem to mind his presence, and he always spends the nighttime hours indoors, without a single complaint. Annie is nervous around him, but she hasn't hidden herself away like she did last year. He has chased her a time or two, but it's mostly playful, bratty chasing, instead of aggression...and it doesn't happen everytime he sees her, like it did last year. No, it's not perfect, but I'm so happy to have all my cats with me again, and I feel if I can hold on through this transitional period, things will be ok. I just have to control my fears. Please, pray I can do this, because I don't intend to give up Max, or any of my cats, again.

This weekend has just been so great. Our monthy singing service was Saturday, and everything was so perfect. There was such a spirit of friendship present, and all the songs were just so anointed. This feeling was carried over into our Sunday morning service. I feel so blessed to be part of this church. We may be small, but we're pretty powerful.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sock Knitting Again

Back in April, I got in the mood to cast on a pair of socks. I had just one problem. Choosing. I have accumulated a shocking amount of patterns and yarn just for socks, and I was having the hardest time making a decision. I was on the verge of becoming overwhelmed, when I remembered something that made the decision for me. Dave always takes me to Woolie Ewe's year-end sale as my big Christmas gift. During last year's visit, I purchased thier Gentle Currents Sock Kit. The kit contains the Gentle Currents pattern, designed by Debbie O'Neill exclusively for The Woolie Ewe, and enough Lorna's Laces Shephard sock yarn to make one pair of socks. Perfect! And with the 50% off from the sale, that's even more perfect! I cast on toward the end of April. Unfortunately, I don't remember the exact date, because I had to frog my cuff and start over. The pattern calls for US size 0 sock needles, but since I have shapely (yes, lets go with that description) calves, I never use smaller than a US size 2. For some reason, I decided to go with a size 2.5, and since I don't swatch (I know...bad girl), I ended up with a huge cuff. After I frogged that monstrocity, I started over with a size 2. This time, I think I got it right. I've finished both cuff and leg portions, and the heel of one. The pattern is easy to follow, and I'm very happy with the color of the yarn. Hopefully, I'll have finished by October, so I can enter them in the fair.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Phone!

Yesterday, Dave made a call to Sprint. We had planned to cancel our service as of May 24th, which is the end of our contract date. Well, we didn't have to wait until then, because the billing date is the 18th, so today I got to go phone shopping. After looking at all our options, we decided on Virgin Mobil as my new service provider. While thier phones might be a bit pricier, they're not outrageous, and their monthly plans were the least expensive of all the non-contract companies we looked at. Dave got me the LG Optimus V phone. I'm trying not to, but I still feel a little guilty about getting a smart phone. Dave assures me that it's fine. The phone is a one-time cost, while the service will be repeated each month. I guess when you look at it that way, it makes sense.

My new phone is now being charged. When it's fully powered, and we make sure it works properly, I'll be sending my new phone number to my family. Watch for a text or email. :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I've Got Maters!

I can hardly wait for them to ripen up!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Road Trip

I'm so excited! Dave and I plan a monthly road trip to stock up on the items we buy at Costco. Part of that outing used to be a trip to Woolie Ewe, my favorite yarn store. Since the new budget, we've had to omit Woolie Ewe from our outings. It's fine. I've been willing to give up frivilties in order to stay within budget. Also, the fact that I have enough yarn stashed to knit until I die helps. (lol) So, this coming Saturday is the time we'd planned this month's excursion. We were afraid Dave would be working, and we'd have to reschedule, but it looks like he's free after all. And even more exciting...We can go to Woolie Ewe! I'm going to look though my yarn, to remind myself of all I have, and some of the yarns I was planning to add before we had to cut our spending. If I buy the most wanted of those items only, I should be able to visit my yarn store, and not go too far off budget. I'm actually looking forward to seeing if I can do it. :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hydrangea Update

As promise, here are some pictures of my hydrangea shrubs beginning to bloom. The first photo is the one Dave bought me last year, and the second picture is the one that came with the house.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

For Zita

Hey, Zita. Norma told me you were looking for the videos for my Double Layer Shell Afghan, so I'm posting them here...
Top Layer
Bottom Layer

Monday, May 9, 2011


During the fall, I used to go for daily walks (well, almost daily) in the afternoon. Part of that routine, included stopping by the Sonic for a Happy Hour diet coke, before walking the rest of the way home. When I got that Novermber phone call, telling me Max had been found, I changed my walking time. My new routine, was to go visit Max after lunch, grab my sonic happy hour drink on the way home, then walk in the late afternoons around 5 or so. That way, I could get showered before any TV shows Dave and I might want to watch. With the return of Max to my home, I decided to go back to my original routine. I don't know why, but I always enjoyed walking to the sonic. It seemed to motivate me to walk, because I had something to look forward to. Unfortunately, it looks like I can't go back to the old routine until fall. By the time I reached the Sonic today, I was dizzy and overheated. I called Dave to let him know I was going to sit at the sonic, and sip my drink until the dizzy spell passed. Dave, being the wonderful husband he is, came right over to pick me up. After rehydrating, and a cool shower, I'm feeling much better. A slight headache is the only reminder of my ordeal.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

I started to skip blogging for today, because I miss my mother so much. I'm going through a transitional period with the cats, and I wish so much that I had her wisdom. Now, I know what some of you may be thinking. Cats? Are you serious? Most people would scoff, but my mother wouldn't have. My mother loved cats, and I truely believe I inherited that love from her. She would have known exactly what to say, and just knowing she was praying would be enough to calm my nerves, for you see, she also understood anxiety. I never saw her treat someone's worries as if they were trivial. No matter how little, no matter how silly, or even if you brought them on yourself, she cared. I even believe it's possible that she still takes all our needs before our Heavenly Father. Only now, she can do it in person. Am I wishful thinking? I don't think so.

So Happy Mother's Day to all the moms who read my blog. I hope your day is filled with many blessings.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Gorgeous Find

It all started with a text. One of Dave's coworkers had been to an estate sale, and he noticed several big bags of yarn. Knowing that I knit and crochet, he wanted to make sure Dave knew about the sale. By the time we got there, most of the yarn was gone, but I had the opportunity to look through all the projects, completed by this talanted woman. They were folded, and placed on a table, ready for thier new homes. As I unfolded each piece, I was struck by the attention to detail. It was such beautiful work that I had to bring at least one item home. I chose this gorgeous knitted shawl, with a leaf pattern border. Wow, I wish I could take credit for this work. If I could someday do work that's even half this lovely, I'll be thrilled.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Well, I got distracted with other projects, but I recently got my Noro Striped Scarf back out, and today, I finished it. While I might not be particularly wild about the way it turned out, I don't really hate it either. I'll let ya'll form your own opinions...

Knitting Lessons

For those of you who might be interested, I just posted a knitting lesson to my Youtube channel. Just click here.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Gentle Rains

Today is another rainy day, but it's different this time. Dave and I just had a terrific lunch of penne pasta with lots of veggies and a meat sauce. I just got out of the shower to see him peacefully napping in his chair. With severe weather, he would have to be at the station, covering the storms, but with a nice gentle rain, he can just relax. All the cats have found suitable sleeping spots, and it seems I'm the only one awake, so I decided to check in with my readers, and say that at this moment, I feel truely blessed. I know life isn't perfect. We'll all have our battle to fight, and our challanges to face, but right now, all is well.

Thank you, Jesus, for moments like this. Moments to rest and reflect. Moments to regain strength for whatever awaits us. Please help us to remember these moments during the hard times, and know that peace will come again. Amen.