Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Memories Of Christmases Past

I spent a fun day yesturday, helping my sister put up her Christmas tree. Well, Dave actually put it together and shaped it. After he put the lights on it, he left to do whatever Dave-ish things he likes to do, while Norma and I decorated. We had such a blast. It reminded me of when we'd first moved to Paris. Neither of us was married at the time, and we shared a small house on 3rd street. Many of the ornaments, I remembered from Christmases in that little house.
That's been many years ago. We've both married and have homes of our own, and the 3rd street house is no longer standing, but I'll never lose those memories. Thanks, Norma, for allowing me to help yesterday, and for helping me remember so great times.


  1. life is full of memories. it is good when we relize it. I have many many happy Christmas memories. This is plan for the christmas season.. drag out and laugh about all the many happy christmas memories from days gone by
