Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tree Picture And Plans

My tree is up, and I'm growing excited about Saturday's family Christmas party. I've been a little out of sorts, and late getting myself ready for Christmas, but no longer. Helping my sister with her tree got my Christmas decorating juices going. I've been to several stores, and managed to obtain quite a collection of new ornaments. My tree can be set to rotate, but I never use this feature. I don't feel I have enough ornaments to attractively cover the whole tree. I plan to take advantage of the after Chrismas sales, and hopefully, by next year, I can enjoy a fully decorated, rotating tree. :)
I'll take another picure when I add the tree skirt. I have to wrap some gifts to go on top of it, because if I just put the skirt down alone, the cats will scratch it up.

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