Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Quilt

I'm so excited! I just have to show off the gift I got from this year's family Christmas party. We play the take away game. Everyone who wants to play brings a gift and puts it in the middle of the table. When it's your turn, you can either choose a gift from the table or steal a gift someone has already opened. I normally don't steal, but this year I did. My nephew, James had this beautiful Santa quilt top, and I just had to have it. So I stole it, and spent the rest of the game, hoping nobody would steal it from me, and thankfully, they didn't.
I sent it home to my sister to be quilted up, then she sent it to my aunt to be hemmed up, and today, I got my Santa quilt. I just love it!
Hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas!


  1. I wanted it Bitsi. But I didn't steal because I already have a beautiful Christmas quilt and I didn't want to be selfish. I think we should steal more in our is much too tame. I hope you enjoy your Christmas quilt as much as I have mine..Zita made mine.

  2. I'm always too curious to see what's in the unwrapped packages. This time I just knew I wanted this. I wouldn't have been mad if you'd stolen it, because that's the way the game is played...but I'm very glad you didn't. :)

  3. Beautiful! The Booga bag looks good, too.
    I enjoyed your visit yesterday. We used the gift card today. We picked up Bethany and then ran by MacDonalds and came home to eat and open more presents. It was delicious and we thank y'all so much.
    Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful day.

  4. I am so glad you are enjoying it. I was glad to be able to get it to you by Christmas.

    The bag for kloe is beautiful
