Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Booga Complete

Kloe's bag is finished! Yesterday, I removed the box that served as a mold, then left it overnight to dry completely. I added the straps just a few minutes ago. Hope she likes it.


  1. Very pretty. I am sure she will like it.

  2. Thanks. I'm a little upset with the placement of the straps. Merlin and Maybel were all over me while I was trying to attach them. Instead of waiting til later (like I should have), I worked around them. As a result, the straps are a little uneven from eachother. Dave says it's fine, but I always notice my mistakes. It's as if they call my name, and toy with me..
