Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, December 30, 2011

TV Room Photo Share

We just finished putting the TV room back in order. I just LOVE the results! Never again will I be a dark paint nay-sayer...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

What A Week!

I've loved having my husband home this week, and is has been quite a week. Monday, began the painting of the TV room. Home Depot had Martha Stewart Living paint on clearance for half price. They were out of the color I'd picked out, but they mixed me up a color in the same family. It turned out quite a bit darker than I thought it would be, but I love it. Talk about a happy accident. I'd have never picked a color this dark for an interior room, and obviously I'd have missed out.
We got the second coat on the wall Tuesday, and left to do errands. By the time we got home, the paint was dry enough to start the trim. We finished up the trim on Wednesday, then got the chairs and TV back in the room (but not up against the walls, obviously). I then cleaned all my pictures and stuff to get it ready to go back on the walls Friday (we want to make sure the paint is good and dry).
Having reached a stopping place in our chores freed us up to go to Dallas today. We stocked up on cat food and other supplies at Costco, and I got to take advantage of an end of year sale at Woolie Ewe (Dave had given me some yarn shopping money for Christmas). We ate at our Chinese restaurant, then went to Lane Bryant, where I took advantage of a bra sale (can I mention that in public?).
Now, I'm trying to wind down for bedtime, but I seem to be too excited. I got a new pattern book, and the yarn to make myself a sweater. I just hope I can keep my attention span focused and finish it. Tomorrow, after we've completed the room, I'll be sharing pictures.

Hope all of you have a great night, and a very happy New Year's weekend!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

We had an awesome Christmas yesterday. Dave grilled us some steaks, roasted some potatoes, and steamed us some fresh brussel sprouts. After our tasty meal, we opened our gifts. I've begun a tradition of knitting Dave a pair of socks each Christmas. The poor guy didn't think he was getting a pair this year, because of all the other things I was knitting. I fooled him by only working on them at night, and wrapping them in with a book I'd bought for him. I also got him a variety of cooking items he'd been eying last time we were at Tuesday Morning, and a gift card from Home Depot. Dave got me a lightdenim jacket to wear on my walks (if I ever get back in the habit of walking), a flannel gown I'd been eying since the cold temperatures became colder, and all the knitting books from my Amazon wish list. I also got two special issue magazines from Interweave Press; Holiday knits 2011, and Jane Austin knits, which is filled with regency inspired patterns.
Later that day, we took all the Christmas stuff down. I was sad to see it go. It's seems like I was finally getting into the full spirit of Christmas, when it was over. I suppose I could have left everything out, but today starts Dave's week of vactaion, and I knew we were planning to paint the TV room. Having the Christmas stuff put away made it much easier to begin today's task. Poor Dave has spent the morning clearing out the furniture, while I slept. I wish he'd have woken me, because I feel guilty about that, but I'm awake now, and I intend to pull my share of the work...starting now...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Booga Complete

Kloe's bag is finished! Yesterday, I removed the box that served as a mold, then left it overnight to dry completely. I added the straps just a few minutes ago. Hope she likes it.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Quilt

I'm so excited! I just have to show off the gift I got from this year's family Christmas party. We play the take away game. Everyone who wants to play brings a gift and puts it in the middle of the table. When it's your turn, you can either choose a gift from the table or steal a gift someone has already opened. I normally don't steal, but this year I did. My nephew, James had this beautiful Santa quilt top, and I just had to have it. So I stole it, and spent the rest of the game, hoping nobody would steal it from me, and thankfully, they didn't.
I sent it home to my sister to be quilted up, then she sent it to my aunt to be hemmed up, and today, I got my Santa quilt. I just love it!
Hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Booga Progress Report #2

All felted, and drying. I'm so pleased with this project. I just hope Kloe likes it.

Booga Progress Report

Well, I've finished the knitting portion of Kloe's skinny striped Booga bag. It is now in the washer being felted. I love it so far. The striping yarn did exactly what I'd hoped it would do. Don't you love it when things go well? :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!

Yes, I got another Christmas Decoration. They had these Charlie Brown Christmas trees marked half price at Sears. The Charlie Brown Christmas special has always been one of my favorites, and I just couldn't pass these up. :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Booga Experiment

Dave asked me to make a booga bag for his granddaughter, Kloe, for Christmas. Normally, I would find two skeins of striping yarn for this, but I wanted to try a little something different. I became inspired by the Jared Flood's Turn A Square hat pattern. The designer uses a striping yarn, and a complimenting solid color yarn to create skinny stripes in an interesting way. I used the free version of the booga bag pattern, knitting the bottom of the bag in the solid color. After picking up my stitches, and joining to knit the body of my bag in the round, I started my stripes. I knit two rows of solid, and two rows of striping, just as in Jared's hat pattern. Because one of my yarns changes color within the skein, no two stripes look the same against the solid color. I hope it turns out as pretty in person as I'm seeing it in my head. :)

For all you knitters out there, here are the links to the two patterns:

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Ugly Necklace

My cousin, Kathy, took a small group of women from the church on a Christmas shopping trip to Sherman. We wanted this to be a fun, relaxing time of fellowship. There was to be no worrying or fretting about what may be going on at home in our absence. There was to be no negative talk about our other people (husbands included). Just a pleasant, up-beat day out with the ladies. To assure we kept it this way, Kathy bought a really ugly necklace with clunky beads, and this big honking flower, made of some kind of turquois tulle material. It really was hideous. Anytime one of us said something negative, that person was stuck wearing this eyesore, unless someone else said something negative. The monstrocity would then be passed on to them. We passed that necklace around the whole trip. I'm sorry to admit that I had to wear it twice, once for worrying about one of my cats, the second time for commenting that one of my veggies on my lunch plate was cold. By the end of the day, we were laughing at ourselves, but we were thinking before speaking. What a fun way to learn such a valueable lesson.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Adjustments and Additions

Here is the latest, and final picture of my tree. I know I'm going wild with the Christmas pictures, but I made some adjustments, and wanted to share. As I said in my last post, I found my angel topper to replace my bow. I also found my mother angel ornament, Glenda gave me several years back. I had packed it in a separate box in the box with my tree topper, to assure it's safety. It was so safe, I'd forgotten where it was. I also found the set of ceramic angel bells Norma gave me to put on my first tree the year I lived alone. I still can't find my snowflake Zita made me, but I haven't given up. It has to be around somewhere. I love ya'll, and look forward to having ya'll in my home for the party.

Monday, December 12, 2011

More Christmas Decor

Just sharing some more photos. The first one shows the Christmas cards we've recieved so far. I had Dave string our pine cone garland across the entryway to the the TV room, then I pinned our cards across it with clothes pins. I love the look. Second picture is our fireplace. I put a layer of cotton batting across the mantle, arranging it to (hopefully) look like clouds, then set my tin angels on top of it. Next, I stuffed my stockings with skeins of yarn, so they'd look full and festive. I'm so happy to report that I found our angel tree topper. We bought this angel the first year we were married. I had packed it away when I started using bows and ribbons for the tree top, but after seeing Norma's angel, and how pretty it looked, I decided to use my own. I thought I was never going to find her. And, lastly, my mousie stocking. I bought this from a seller, who came by Unique Image, where I was working at the time. We're really not supposed to buy from solicitors, but I couldn't resist this cute little piece. When you press the green band, the mice sing "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" in thier little mousie voices. Very cute. I hope you enjoyed my Christmas-y picture post. Have a great day!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tree Picture And Plans

My tree is up, and I'm growing excited about Saturday's family Christmas party. I've been a little out of sorts, and late getting myself ready for Christmas, but no longer. Helping my sister with her tree got my Christmas decorating juices going. I've been to several stores, and managed to obtain quite a collection of new ornaments. My tree can be set to rotate, but I never use this feature. I don't feel I have enough ornaments to attractively cover the whole tree. I plan to take advantage of the after Chrismas sales, and hopefully, by next year, I can enjoy a fully decorated, rotating tree. :)
I'll take another picure when I add the tree skirt. I have to wrap some gifts to go on top of it, because if I just put the skirt down alone, the cats will scratch it up.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Good News!

Yesturday's vet visit went just great. Annie's tooth was not broken at all, but very loose. It was so loose, that Dr House didn't even charge us to pull it. :) It was an unhealthy tooth that he believes would have fallen out eventually on its own. After a closer examination, he pronouced her other teeth to be fine. I'm so relieved.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Off To The Vet

Poor Annie has a broken tooth. I noticed it last night as I was applying moisturizer to my tired, old face. Annie jumped up onto the sink for me to pet her. As I was scratching behind an ear, she looked straight at me, and I noticed her mouth was crooked. Upon closer inspection, I discovered that one of her bottom fangs is jutting forward, and setting right against her top lip. Ouch! We've got an appointment to see Dr. House at 3. Please pray all goes well...without costing us an arm and a leg.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Memories Of Christmases Past

I spent a fun day yesturday, helping my sister put up her Christmas tree. Well, Dave actually put it together and shaped it. After he put the lights on it, he left to do whatever Dave-ish things he likes to do, while Norma and I decorated. We had such a blast. It reminded me of when we'd first moved to Paris. Neither of us was married at the time, and we shared a small house on 3rd street. Many of the ornaments, I remembered from Christmases in that little house.
That's been many years ago. We've both married and have homes of our own, and the 3rd street house is no longer standing, but I'll never lose those memories. Thanks, Norma, for allowing me to help yesterday, and for helping me remember so great times.