Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, December 28, 2012

She's Back

As I walked out onto the back porch, I heard that whimpering sound Sophie made yesterday. It was coming from the direction of the shed porch, where I keep a box with fleece blankets on cold days. There is where I found her. Apparently she had wondered home, and found her box. Without thinking, I went out and got her, and brought her in the house. Surprisingly, she let me. She's in terrible shape. She is very weak, and has visible tremors (obviously more going on than the skin condition), but she did eat some gravy from a can of Friskies shreds. I called Dr House's emergency number to tell him about her condition. I was scared to give her such a strong dose of medicine in her present condition. Turns out I was right. He didn't recommend it at all, and I have an appointment for him to see her first thing tomorrow morning. I have her closed up in the craft room, trying to keep her warm. Before I go to bed, I'll transfer her to a pet taxi, and put the space heater in here. I hope and pray it's not too late.

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