Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Back to Normal

Taking down ornaments, dismantling the tree, and packing it all away is always an emotional time for me.  I know it has to be done, but I can't help but feel a little sad.  At least that's how it starts.  As I take each ornament off the tree, and lay it out on the floor, and coffee table in groups (wood, breakable, knitted, etc...) I begin to feel overwhelmed by the amount of clutter.  After the tree is free of decorations, Dave dismantles it, and boxes it back up, leaving me room to wrap each ornament in tissue or newspaper, and place them all safely in the storeage bin.  I, then, move on to the angels on my mantle, stockings, cards, everything Christmas has to be put away in this same manner.  It's a slow process, but as I complete each task, I get that feeling of accomplishment, and seeing my house return to its normal state makes me happy.  I begin to reflect on the good memories made this season, another Chrismas to cherish forever.  Thank you, Jesus, for all you've given us. Friends and family, and eachother to name a few.  I feel so blessed!

Now, tomorrow, we hit those sales!  Next year, my porch is going to look awesome!

1 comment:

  1. so glad you are getting your house back together. I wish mine was but its ok. I am feeling better. I probably won't hit the sales this year. I had such a nice time this year. I love my family. God is good and all is well.
