Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, December 6, 2012

RIP Scary Cat

It is a sad day in my household.  We just said goodbye to one of our outdoor cats.  Scary Cat was from the same litter as Tigra, and grew to be very special to me.  He was a solid black cat with gold eyes, so I gave him his Halloween themed name. He developed a gum condition called Stomatitis back in 2008 (or 09, not sure).  Our vet had him on half a prednisone every other day to reduce inflamation so he could eat. This treatment worked, and his medication became part of our routine.  He was as happy and playful as any of my cats for all these years. 
We noticed the change last Saturday. He started losing weight, and began to lose strenght in his back legs.  We took him in to discover he had started losing muscle mass, and several of his teeth had broken off, making it impossible for him to eat dry food.  For the last week I had been giving him canned food, which at first, he devoured like a treat, but by Sunday, he had stopped eating even that.  All he would eat was leftover people food, which he never lost his appetite for, but he still continued to go downhill.  We took him back today, where a full blood work-up revealed that he had inoperable cancer throughout his body.  Dr House recommended that the kindest thing would be to let him go.  So after a tearful farewell, we left the vet's office with heavy hearts.  I will truly miss him.  I've never seen a cat with more fight in him.  It was very heartbreaking to see him lose his spark, and go downhill the way he did at the last. 

RIP, Sweet little guy.  I'll never forget you.


  1. Thank you both. He was always the first to the food tray, so feeding time is going to be hard for a while. I only have nine outdoor cats out there now. :(
    The tests for feline leukemia and FIV showed that he did NOT have either of those diseases. That's good news as it means I don't have to have my other cats retested.

  2. I am sorry. Praying for you! God's peace and comfort be with you.
