Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Two Stupid People In Love

I was looking through my old photos and stumbled upon these.  It was the Spring of 2002, and Dave and I had just gotten engaged.  He wanted to send some picures to his mother in Alabama, so she would know what his new fiance looked like (sure wish I still looked like this).  I came over after work, so I could have my picture taken, using his beautiful, vine-covered back yard fence as a back drop.  I'll never forget what a fun day we had, nor the consequences that followed...
I'm sure some of you already know where this is going.  Take a closer look at the lovely foliage, and see if you can guess what the vines are.  Anybody?  If you guessed poison ivy, congratulations, you guessed right.  Neither of us knew what it was.  I didn't know, because I'd never seen it.  He didn't know, because he's not allergic, therefore never had to watch out for it.  Well, we discovered the hard way, that, unlike Dave, I am very allergic.  I often wonder if his mother noticed....

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