Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, April 8, 2012

New Rose Bed

Since last year, when I noticed my potted rose bushes leaning at an angle, I've been planning to plant them into the ground. In my mind, the reason they are leaning is because the pots are preventing the roots from growing deep enough to keep the plants strong. I may be totally wrong about this, but once I get and idea into my head...Well, just ask Dave...
By the time I woke up today, Dave had already dug out the area. After a quick trip to Walmart for peat moss, and a couple more edging bricks, the task began...Dave incorporated the peat moss, placed each pot in the order I wanted them to go, then began planting them.As you can see, Dave actually did most of the work, but I did pot up my tomato plants, and transplant the vinca I'd placed in the pots with some of the roses. He also needed me to remove the pot as he lifted up each rose bush..So I really did more than just instruct and boss.
After the last bush was removed from its pot, it was time for me to meet Kim for our walk. I was feeling guilty about Dave having done most of the work, so told him to just rest, and I'd set the edging bricks when I got back. As you can see in the next photo, he didn't obey me. Oh well...I'm sure I'll make up for it and disobey him someday. And there you have it! A couple of the plants will need to be staked, but overall, I think it's beautiful. I have three more rose bushes, but I didn't want to chance planting them so close that some of them would die. I left them potted for now. One bed digging per season is quite enough for Dave. :)


  1. Looking good. They have some beautiful rose trellis at Lowe's. Perry got me one last year for Mothers day. It is so pretty I use it as part of the bedroom decor.

  2. I got my rose and the other plants planted Friday. Your bed looks really nice. Good place for a Rose trellis, GLenda, tee hee. I guess you are the rose!

    I love you all

  3. A rose trellis is a beautiful idea. Dave and I are planning to go to Atwoods tomorrow. We may see what they have in thier stock of trellises. Glad to hear from you again, Glenda. :)
