Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Storm Drain Kitty Is Alive!!

Yes, it's absolutely true! It was about the middle of our second lap. We had turned off 25th onto Simpson. We had just passed the wooded area, when Kim pointed toward my side of the street, and excitedly said, "It's him!" I followed her gaze to a black and white cat, walking up the driveway to one of the houses. It was definately him (actually we don't know if the cat is male, but we say 'him' anyway)! The same white beard, the white tip on the end of the tail, the floppy right ear, and the crooked way he held his head are things we'd recognize anywhere. Even if all these things weren't enough to convince us, the way he walked with his body straight, except for his slight list to the right is unmistakeable. Our storm drain cat survived! I know it will be fine now. The area where we saw it is animal friendly. In fact, it might even belong to the people who live in that house. As we were walking away, Kim asked me if I was going to shout for joy the way I said I would in my previous post! Yes, I totally did! Twice! :)
The black blur in the middle is our storm drain kitty. I would have loved a better photo, but this is as close as he would let me get. Kim got a little closer, but of course, I had forgotten to give her my phone.

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