Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Signs Of Life

Yesterday, Dave and I left the confines of our house, and ventured over to the little town of Detroit, Tx. This is the home of an awesome local nursury called Bratchers. Here are a few photos I took while shopping.It's pretty hard to see, but among the flowers of this blue salvia plant is a bumble bee in flight. I've always had a fear of bees (especially big bees), but I've grown to accept them since I started gardening. Still, old fears are hard to completely get over. You should have seen me trying to snap this shot while, at the same time, dodging the bees.Here is a shot of another bee, drinking nectar from a hyssup plant. At least, I think it was hyssup. They had several different salvia-looking plants right together, and the bees were all over them.This last picture is my favorite. Posted to the stem of a beautiful yellow rose tree, was a sign that read, "cardinal's nest: Four eggs." We leaned in for a closer look to find four baby cardinals, completely hatched and sleeping. I took this one picture, but not knowing much about baby birds, I didn't take any more. I was afraid I might scare them.
So there you have it. Even the shortest of road trips can be so much fun.

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