Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

First Red Ribbon Post

The rest of this week, I'll be showing my red ribbon projects.  I was going to save this one for last, but I just can't.  This Shawl truly is my pride and joy.  The pattern, designed by Susanna IC, can be found in the first issue of Jane Austen Knits, a magazine dedicated to regency inspired patterns.  I knit this with Pace, a fingering weight sock yarn, put out by Universal Yarn Inc.  I have to confess, I was a little worried when it first came off the needles.  I've knit very few lace projects, and was unfamiliar with their tendancy to curl and bunch.  I soon discovered that, through the miracle of blocking, lace projects come alive.  I've included a few glamour shots of this shawl, because I love it so much. 
This shawl was awarded a red ribbon at this year's fair.
Dave took this picture of me posing with my Georgiana.  I love the way the lace pops against the dark shirt I'm wearing.

Georgiana, resting on the plant stand on my front porch.  This picture makes me think of gentle breezes, and Spring.
Posing for a Ravelry shot.
I really enjoyed taking these outdoor pictures. This may be the beginning of a new hobby.  Posing and photographing knitted items. :)

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed not only reading your post but seeing them displayed at the fair. Mom would be so proud!
