Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Sometimes being a night owl has its advantages.  In these overnight hours, as my husband and cats slept, I finished another project.  The blanket I've been knitting (off and on, anyway) is done! That means, so far, I have 4 scarves, a pair of slipper socks, and now, a blanket, ready to enter the craft exhibit.  Not too bad, for somebody who struggled with low energy and lack of motivation all year.  I'll be giving more detailed descriptions, along with photos, after the judging is complete.


  1. Wish I could go to the fair this year...good luck. You knit beautifully so I know you will win.

  2. I will come get you so you can be here for the fair if you want to.... let me know, GLenda..miss you
