Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, May 25, 2012

Frappe Time

There's nothing more refreshing than a cool frozen frappe on a hot summer day.  I used to go to the local coffee house for my treat, but the ever increasing prices of everything turned my daily coffee habit into an occasional treat...which is actually for the best.  Even a skinny frappe is pretty high in calories.  Does this mean I've given up frappes?  Absolutely not!
It took me a several shopping trips, and many bad purchases, but I finally found the perfect coffee drink mix.  Cafe' Cappuccino is sold at Costco, and it is the only mix I've found that tastes like the frappes sold at the coffee houses.  You can use Cafe' Cappuccino to make hot, iced, or my favorite, frozen coffee drinks...and I control the fat content.  Just a little ice, 1% milk, and my magical mix gives me a tastey coffee drink, without the crazy price.   
Delicious! I like to call it coffee for non-coffee drinkers. :)

1 comment:

  1. so glad you found an economical way to make it YOUR way and still have the taste you want.

    Looking forward to some days and nights together next week. NO stress.. just fun. I might get a little pre op stress but that's allowed...GOd bless you. Have fun with Dave
