Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Catching Up

For the past week, my blog has been quiet, while real life has been a whirlwind.  My sister had her gall bladder removed on May 31.  Scar tissue from long ago surgeries made the procedure much more difficult than the doctor had anticipated, and the first few post surgery days were very painful for her. My other sisters and I spent a great deal of our time at the hospital so we could be with her.  As her body began to regain strength, we started taking shifts.  Since I don't work outside the home, mine was the overnight/early morning shift.  Her condition continued to improve, and I'm happy to say that today (meaning yesterday, because it's midnight) my sister was strong enough to go home.  She's doing better, but still needs much prayer.  Please keep her in your thoughts.  Special thank you to everyone who helped us by praying, visiting, and running errands.  We are forever grateful to all of you for loving our sister so much. 

1 comment:

  1. thanks sisters, family, friends, and neighbors

    most of all THANK YOU JESUS \ great to be home
