Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, May 18, 2012

New Quilt Rack

I have lots of quilts.  Those of you who know me are not surprized by that statement, but you might be surprized to learn just how many quilts I have.  The huge trunk Dave inherited from his father is so full, it barely closes.  So full that I had been storing a few of my quilts in the deck box on the screened porch.  They are perfectly safe from the elements, but I've never felt good about my treasured quilts being outside.  The logical solution would seem to be to simply get another trunk.  Unfortunately, we have no room for another trunk, so the next logical solution would be a quilt rack.
I chose quilts that will look pretty displayed against the dark green we'll soon paint the walls.
You'd never believe how hard it's been to find a quilt rack.  I searched for months, only having seen a metal one at Hobby Lobby for $45.  That's a bit pricey, but I still would have been willing to buy it, had it not been so wobbly. The local furniture stores, I guess, don't offer them anymore, because I think I searched every one. I had all but given up, when Dave had an idea.
See how sturdy?  And I just love the heart cut-out detail.
Yesterday, we went to the Antique Mall downtown, and there it was! A beautiful, sturdy wooden quilt rack for only $25. Perfect!  After we got it home, I picked out, and washed four of my quilts to display in our bedroom.  This quilt rack could easily have held more, but four is plenty, and it left me plenty of room to bring all of my quilts indoors, and safely tuck them away in the trunk.  Beautiful!


  1. very beautiful. I have several quilt stands and lots of hanging ones. but I too have a closet shelf full of quilts. I love them all

  2. Beautiful! The rack and the quilts.
