Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Boring Life?

That's what I should probably rename my blog, as little as I update. I was looking back over posts from the first year I started, and the difference is night and day.  I used to tell witty (at least I hope they're witty) stories about my cats, and proudly show photos of my garden and yard.  I used to excitedly tell of new knitting projects I'd started, and how proud I was of each outcome.  So, what changed? As I looked over the previous couple of years of my blogging history, I realized I was repeating myself.  I post the same garden photos each spring, only with no stories attached.  I already told all there is to tell about each plant.  Knitting?  Well, there isn't much to tell there, because I haven't been knitting.  The cats are pretty much the same spoiled creatures they always were.  So, what new is there to write about?  Most people would say to me, "Get a life!"  My answer to them would be, "but, I HAVE a life."  It's not what most would consider to be an exciting life, but it's perfect for me.  With my anxiety issues and my phobias, I need routine.  The occasional road trip to Dallas or Sherman is all the excitement I need.  I just wish it didn't make such dull reading material...

I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of it.  A knitting block can only last so long, and who knows?  Maybe I can plant some new things next spring.  And hey...that rose bed was different. :)

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