Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Busy Day

For the first time in months, I feel like my house is truely clean.  No, it isn't completely dirtless or cat hairless, but that would be an unrealistic goal to try for (unless I want to clean 24/7). 
I got up earlier than usual because of a dental appointment.  It was for my regular check-up and cleaning, so it didn't take long.  Since my dentist's office is next door to the radio station, I stopped by to see Dave, where I got to watch him and Zeke (the morning show host for the country station) record a spot together.  That was pretty fun.  After lunch, Dave went to play golf with Zeke and some other co-workers (I'm not really sure who went), so I had the day to myself.  I called my sister to see if she wanted to pick me up, and we could treat ourselves to pedicures. She was too busy, so we planned it for tomorrow. I hung up the phone, and almost imediately started cleaning.  I swept and mopped the kitchen, paused to feed the cats, then I ran a sink full of dishwater to soak the cat food bowls.  I vacuumed and dusted, washed the dishes,then folded the laundry. Satisfied with all my work, I finally sat at the computer...where I've been sitting for almost an hour.  Wow!  It's been so long since I've accomplished this much in a day.  It may be another week or two before it's this clean again, but for now, I can relax and maybe do some knitting tonight. 
'Cause tomorrow, it's pedis with my sister!