Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, October 31, 2011

Pictures Found

Most of you already know this, but I just wanted to report that I've found my picture disks. When I had my extra room redone, I took that opportunity to clean out and reorganize some of my things. It was during this time that, in an attempt to make more room in the desk, I moved my picture disks to the little cabinet that contains my photo albums. I still can't bring myself to look through them yet, but at least I know they're still there.


  1. I am soooo Happy you've found your pictures! I love you!

  2. Yea, a special thanks to all my sister who were with me today.. in prayer (Glenda) and in person ( Zita & Jennifer)

  3. By the way that was 2 comments YEA ( you found your pix) and thanks

  4. Glad you foud yours pics. Enjoyed our visits at the hospital.
    God bless.
