Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, October 30, 2011


I just lost one of my outdoor cats. Tigra was born to one of my feral mama cats in 2005. She started her life wild and fearful, but that wildness was short-lived. She was the first of our ferals to be spayed, when we started our TNR with the colony. I used to sit outside and sing Sunday School songs to get the cats used to the sound of my voice, and she was the first to begin warming up to me. It wasn't long before she was sitting in my lap, allowing me to pet her as I sang my songs, and she eventually became an indoor/outdoor cat. She loved to sit in my lap any chance she got, and she loved water. I know cats are supposed to hate water, but she loved it. she especially loved to drink dripping or running water from the faucet or hose. She used to stand under my planters so she could drink the water as it drained through the plants. I really loved her so much.
We came home from church to find that she'd been hit by a car. My heart is so broken. To make things even harder, I can't find any of my picture disks. I wanted to post a picture tribute to her, and I can't find my pictures. I'm going to have to go, because I'm getting too emotional to continue. Please, pray for me. My Tigra's gone, and I have no pictures to remember her by.


  1. I am sorry for your loss. I pray the Lord will help you find your pictures of her.

  2. I just saw the post and I am praying for you. Is there one of her in the scrap book I made you guys, if so. I have some. I pray you will find comfort in God and with your other cats and also to find your pix. Sorry we missed Sunday School. I was so counting on getting to go. I think the enemy makes me over sleep on Sundays. Pray for me I have been a little down lately

  3. I love you so much Jennifer and I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll be praying for you to find peace and also your pictures.

  4. Thank you, Bethany. That means a lot to me.
