Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, October 28, 2011

Complete Honesty followed by...A Knitting Story?

Hello, readers. I'm sitting here, trying to write, and it just isn't coming. I have a topic (knitting, of course), and even a picture ready to be added, but no words. Well that isn't entirely true. I have the essence of the story in my mind, but no introductory sentences to open with. So, rather than let my blog continue in silence, I'm just sitting here writing whatever comes to my mind. Is it boring enough? lol
Ok, I'll just plunge in with my story, and see where it goes...
Last year, I knitted my sister a pair of fingerless mitts. She needed something to keep her hands warm that didn't interfere with the use of her fingers. I found out later that her husband had confiscated them during the running of some errands. She went in to pay a bill or something, and when she came out he was wearing her mitts. I guess the lacy rib pattern enabled them to stretch over his larger hands. He knew they were women's gloves, but when the steering wheel is cold, that doesn't matter. lol
So this year, I'm making him a pair of his own. I searched Ravelry, and found this basic pattern for men's fingerless gloves (click on the word "impatient" in the lower right corner. That will take you to the pattern). These gloves will be a nice challange, because they have tubes for each finger. I've made plenty of topless mitts, but this is my first attempt at gloves with indivisual finger tubes. Just a finger and a half, plus the thumb, and I'll be finished with one glove. This is actually quite fun. Of course, I may feel differently, when it's time to weave in all those yarn tails.


  1. I know you can do it! I love my fingerless gloves. I actually have 2 pair.

    Good to hear from you.

  2. I like those. You are so brave. Good to hear from you.

  3. I am sorry our call was cut short by phone calls but I am so looking forward to these gloves for Wesley. He will love them. I am excited that you posted again. I miss them when you are silent
    hope to see you in SS
