Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, October 17, 2011

Breakfast With Morty

I was sitting out on my screened porch, enjoying my breakfast of powdered sugar mini donuts and a diet coke (a health nut I am not). Morty, my sweet but sometimes bratty little yellow cat, wouldn't stop bugging me. I broke off a small piece for him, thinking he'd taste it, realize he didn't like it, then leave me alone. Guess what folks...he liked it...


  1. Now, really Bitsi...what did you expect? Who doesn't like donuts? I try not to be envious of your wonderful screened porch. I love it.

  2. You might not envy it so much if I showed you a picture of how unclean I've let it get over the summer. Lol

  3. Everyone loves DONUTS..shows you Morty ain't no fool.....

    Love the pix, love your porch.
    Love YOU

  4. I went out there today, but came right back in. It's cold today.

  5. Perry said he had to wear a light jacket at work...

  6. I'm wearing an old flannel shirt that used to be Dad's. It makes a great light jacket.

  7. Love the donuts, too. Only I actually prefer the chocolate ones. I love your porch. I know it wold be wonderful for the boys.
    Enjoyed prayer meeting. Thanks for letting me get the books.
    Give Morty a hug for me! He knows what's good.
    God bless.

  8. My word verification on that post was sucker. Spelled that way way. I hope they are referering to the lollypop kind. LOL

  9. Sometimes I do a double look at the word veri.., too. sometimes I feel like it is making fun of me

  10. Am I the only one who just types it without paying attention?
