Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Two Tigra Pictures

I still haven't found my disks, but I did find these two photos. I belong to a feral cat caregivers group on Ravelry, and we like to flash pictures of our cats. I had uploaded these photos to my flickr account, so I could post them to that picture thread. Thank God for flickr, and that ravelry thread. I still desparately want to find those disks. If I don't, I've lost several years worth of Christmas, family, and garden, as well as cat pictures. Please, help me, God. I miss her so much.

I wish I could find the words to give her the tribute she deserves. She was so much more than just a stray cat running around. She was mine.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about Tigra. I remember how you coaxed the cats to come to you and how she was one that came inside.
    I will be praying for you.
    May God comfort your heart and be with you. It is so hard to lose a pet.

  2. Wow, quick answer to prayer. Pray these photos bring you comfort.

  3. Glenda, that was a quick answer. Not only that, but, I found my disks. I had taken them out of the desk, and put them with my photo albums. I'm happy to have them back. I was afraid all traces of her were gone forever. :(

    Zita, thanks for your prayers. I'm so touched that you remember her.
