Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Last night, Dave and I had settled in for a quiet evening, which turned out to not be so quiet. For one thing, I was a nervous wreck. Max was outside, and it was raining. I knew that visibility would be low, and was praying he wouldn't try to cross the street. I don't know if people realize this, but it's harder to see a tabby at night than any color of cat, including black. I just couldn't stop worrying, but I did get out my knitting, which at least kept me from pacing the floor.
A little after nine, my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number on the screen, but the area code was local, so I answered it. It was the police department, telling me they had just recieved a 911 call from my number. I hadn't even touched my phone, much less called 911. When I told them that, they asked for my address, so they could document the call. I grew suspicious. I didn't know if it was really the 911 services or if someone was trying to get my address. I handed the phone to Dave, who told her we'd call her right back. When he called back, it was indeed the police department. The caller's supervisor had recognized Dave's voice, and new something was up. They had made a mistake with the numbers, and mine wasn't the number they needed.
No harm done...except the police department thinks Dave's wife is a paranoid freak. Oh well, they're not the only ones, right?


  1. I think you did the correct thing Bitsi. It is a common ploy these days to pretend to be the police or your credit card company to get more information. I applaud your quick glad Dave was there. If it was a sham his very manly voice would have surely scared off any one intending harm. Good Job.

  2. I agree with Glenda...It was the right reaction indeed. Quick thinking, correct actions...not paranoia! :)

  3. That was smart! I don't think I would have been so clever to figure that one out!

  4. Thanks, Ladies. I feel much better. It wasn't a fake call, but it could easily have been, right?

  5. Kudo's to you... great job... thanks to Dave' quick thinking to recall them all is well.....

    FYI We are home as of 5pm tonight (Fri)
