Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fun Hospital Photos

I took these pictures during my visits to see my BIL and sister. Dr Frank N. Stein was in ICU, while the Fall themed tree was by the nurse's station on floor 6. I think it's nice of the Hospital staff to add some cheer for the patients and visitors.


  1. I love Christmas it, love it. Have my house all decked out for Thanksgiving right now.

  2. everythime I went into the icu I wished I had taken my camera in for a shot of this to share with Glenda. The tree on our floor is fixed up with fall colors and thanksgiving ornaments. It was a treat. Makes me want to go back in Dec to see the changeover to Christmas, ONly as an onlooker, not as a patient wife of course

  3. That was neat. I remember you taking the halloween pic.
