Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sorry, Norma...

Last night, I went to the hospital to visit my brother-in-law, and take my sister something to eat. I used my phone to show her the Tigra pictures I posted to my blog. She was a little miffed at me about the knitting one. She knows I don't like pictures of myself, and she thought I had cut my head out of it. No, that's not what happened. Dave had taken several pictures that day, some of the cats, some of me. I added the one of Tigra on yesterday's post, since it was her tribute. Here is the one Dave took of me that day. It was 2005 (which means Tigra must have been born in 2004). I was knitting that scarf for Dave's daughter for Christmas. The calico on the arm of the couch is Abby. I look like crap in this picture, but I'm posting it anyway, because my sister wants to see it. Norma, don't you ever question whether or not I love you...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Glenda, why did you delete your comment? I thought it was funny.

  3. I didn't know. I would not have deleted if I had known they leave the post like that. I thought it would all be gone. Lesson learned. SO glad that you understood I was teasing. BTW, that is a good picture of you and your kitty. It looks very happy and looks like it is smiling.

  4. I often asked Dave why he didn't just get a universal remote, but I never really got a straight answer. I think he just likes to play with lots of remotes. lol

    She was a very special kitty. Looking at the pictures helped me remember that she had a happy life, even if it was short.

  5. thanks I just love having your head in the pix, too
