Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Could he possibly be more relaxed?


  1. Ain't he sweet. I just love to watch cats.

    Thanks for the link to Robert's youtube. I went to view.

    Is Dave better.

    Enjoyed prayer meeting.

    love and prayers.

  2. Dave's better. Not 100%, but better. Thanks for asking.

  3. wish I had the luxury for that kind of realaxing. TOO much stress at our house..

  4. I know, right? When I googled overgrooming in cats, I discovered it to be caused by a nervous condition. They compare it to OCD in humans. All this time, I've been feeling guilty. Feeling like I haven't provided a home he feels safe in, but there's no more guilt. Those are NOT pictures of a nervous cat. :)
