Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, August 8, 2011

Google Imposed Fear

We took Max to see the vet today. The skin on his ears is crusty, and he's been scratching it a lot. I noticed it about two weeks ago, but only the tips of his ears were effected. Because of our budget, we decided to just watch it, and see if it would go away on its own. It didn't. By today, he had it around the perimeter of his ears, and several sores on his head from scratching. Today's skin scrape revealed sarcoptes mites, a skin parisite, commonly known as scabes. Dr. House says it's very easy to treat, and Max will be just fine.

Now here's where the title of my post comes in. The two weeks we spent monitering Max's ears, were two weeks of intense fear for me. All because of a google search of skin conditions in cats. I had myself convinced he had skin cancer, and I was going to lose him again. This isn't the first time I've done this to myself. Google is a vast sourse of information, but it has caused more fear and uncertaintly in me than you could possibly imagine. Dave has even threatened to take away my internet. I guess you could say we both have a love/hate relationship with Google.

I'm happy to report that we've made it home, and Max is doing fine. He seems to have forgiven us for inflicting the Doctor visit on him, and is grooming himself to a glossy, fluffy sheen.


  1. I am glad Max will be fine.

    I liked the song on your previous post. I have been reading all the posts I just have not signed in. As I said on my post I have just been so overwhelmed I could not bring myself to write.

    See you at prayer meeting if all is well.
    God bless you.

  2. I, too am glad everything turned out ok for Max. Wasn't it somewhere in the Bible a scripture something about I fear and it came upon me about something. Guess I shoulda researched first.

    I have found out if I google a med....I can't hardly make myself take it or give it to Wesley

    some times ignorance is bliss

  3. I love google. I use it all the time. I like to know things.

  4. Just be careful Glenda, because anyone with a computer and an opinion can be part of a google search.
